At Domaine Messier, the terrestrial meets the celestial. Named for the catalogue of 110 astronomical objects repertoried by French astronomer Charles Messier, the vineyard is cultivated on a spectacular landscape of Monterey peninsular valleys nurtured daily by the marine layer of the Pacific Ocean.
The 2022 wines are as radiant and mysterious as the globular cluster they’re named after, the Messier 22 object.
We are grateful for the team of hands, heads, and hearts that have helped Domaine Messier over the past few years: Marielle Bize and Etienne Grivot have generously consulted from Burgundy; Greg Vita and Chris Vita have expertly led the winemaking, Todd Kenyon has diligently managed the vineyard, and Francisco “Pancho” Martinez has tended the vines with loving kindness.